luni, 4 aprilie 2022

Turneul al doilea de individuale

Turneul 2 (calificari CNI) va avea loc in perioada 08-10.04.2022 la Odorheiu Secuiesc, sala Septimia.
Inscrierile se fac numai pe adresa de email :
Incepand de luni (ora 10.00) sunt acceptate inscrierile jucatorilor din Cernavoda si Constanta.
In intervalul marti (ora 10.00) - miercuri (ora 10.00) sunt acceptate si inscrierile jucatorilor din Bucuresti si Ploiesti.
Incepand de miercuri (ora 10.00) sunt acceptate inscrierile tuturor jucatorilor.


Inscrierile se fac cu mentionarea categoriei si a squadului in care se inscriu jucatorii! Fara mentionarea categoriei si a squadului, inscrierea nu este luata in considerare .


In primul squad cel mai bine da Tamas Verzar-201 media.

vineri, 1 aprilie 2022

CNE: etapa 4 la A si 3 la B


In weekend se joaca etapa a patra in Divizia A, la Lake View, incepand de sambata, ora 11.15.
Orele de disputare s-au decalat cu 75 de minute.
In divizia B1 se joaca etapa a treia, la Bran.
In B2 se joaca etapa a treia, in IDM A
In restanta din etapa 2 a grupei B2, Pro Venus a invins Constructorul, 179 la 176 medie, 3-3 la puncte, cel mai bun titular fiind Florea Naidin, cu 194 si cea mai buna rezerva "Fantasticul" George Midisan,  cu 206
In IDM A nu e ungerea anunțată,  ci se face o altă ungere, pe mașina cu paduri.
P.S. Masina cu paduri are o defectiune asa ca, probabil, maine se va juca pe ungerea anuntata initial, pe Kustodian.
Geto-Dacii inving iSports 168 la 167, la medie, și 4-2 la puncte. Cel mai bun George Fratila, 186 medie.
Lake View -Avva 5-1, 196 la 183 medie. Catalin Gheorghe 236 medie.
Constructorul invinge cu 6 popice Sport's Palace, 183 media, 3-3 la puncte. Pavel Viorel 208 media.
IDM face prima schimbare la încălzire, Popav fiind accidentat.
IDM castiga 5-1, 195 la 168 medie. Cel mai bun Paraschiv -219 media.
Santa Gracia -Miercurea Ciuc 3-3, 170 la 167 media, cu Nagy Simon Laszlo 188.
Prestatie catastrofala a arbitrului Sandu Dragomir, relatata din 2 surse diferite, in conditiile in care pistele se stricau intruna si puneau scoruri aiurea. Noroc ca au facut jucatorii poze.
Brenndorf- PBM 2 165-161, 2-4 la puncte, Mihai Elena 180 media (v-am zis ca e de A, nu?)
IDM 2- CFR 171 la 167, 4-2 la puncte, Buga Laurentiu 186.
Septimia invinge Vinci 191 la 190 media, 3-3 la puncte.
Ibolya 206 media.
PRO VENUS- REINVENT 2  185-175 media,4-2 la puncte. Cristi Dumitrascu 201 media.
Split -PBM 1 198 la 183 media, 6-0.
Arbi 214 media

miercuri, 30 martie 2022

Bomba nucleara la IBF!


IBF si-a concediat toti angajatii, inclusiv CEO-ul Andrew Oram, si isi inchide birourile din Elvetia. Se pare ca este in faliment din 2021

Se muta in Kuwait, desi majoritatea boardului IBF a protestat vehement, inclusiv Presedintele EBF Addie Ophelders. 

Practic federatia mondiala a fost falimentata si confiscata de catre Presedintele Talal Mohammad Al-Sabah.

Existenta Federatiei internationale si toate competitiile organizate de ea sunt acum sub semnul intrebarii, hotararile Adunării Generale fiind încălcate brutal.

Desi am fost suspicios de la inceput cu toata povestea asta cu IBF, nu m-am gandit o secunda ca se va ajunge aci. Si cam nimeni altcineva.

Acesta este articolul de pe (engl):

International Bowling Federation in turmoil as board factions fight for control, over 'illegal' move of office to Kuwait, email shows
JEFF RICHGELS | Posted: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 12:00 pm

The International Bowling Federation is in turmoil as board factions fight for control of bowling’s international governing body, according to an email obtained by

The email by Martin Faba, IBF first vice president and president of Pan Am Bowling, was sent to by two different sources and I have confirmed that it is authentic.

According to the email, the IBF office in Lausanne, Switzerland is being closed at the end of the month and relocated to Kuwait, though a faction of the board opposes the move, which it calls illegal. IBF President Sheikh Talal Mohammad Al-Sabah is from Kuwait.

All IBF staff, including CEO Andrew Oram, are losing their jobs, according to the email.
Such turmoil probably won’t help bowling’s efforts to get into the Olympics, not to mention that the International Olympic Committee also is based in Lausanne.

I was sent documents in French from a Swiss court or government office that when translated to English via Google seemed to indicate that the IBF went into bankruptcy last year.
Here is the most recent story I did on the IBF and here is the extensive Q&A I did with Oram that published just before the World Championships in November.
This obviously is a developing story and I will update it as I can make contact with sources and learn more information.
Here is Faba's email:

Dear IBF Committee Members
As per email from our CEO from March 24th, 2022 we have been “informed“ that all IBF business in Lausanne, Switzerland will be closed on March 31st, 2022.
Please read an extract (in italics by of such message which you have in your inboxes:

… On March 23rd 2022 all financial affairs in Lausanne, Switzerland have been closed/shut/ceased. 
All invoices prepared from today will have to be detailed with Kuwait Bank account information for IBF.  Money will no longer be able to be received in Lausanne from 00:01 March 24th 2022 CET.

Resignation of the IBF Head Office at Maison du Sport International, Avenue de Rhodanie 54, 1006 Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland has been processed.  Offices will be vacated on March 31st 2022.  All paperwork will be shipped to Kuwait for storage.  The digitized files of all emails and documents related back to 2011 will be kept on file with legal counsel in Lausanne.

 Communication will be prepared to notify the following stakeholders that IBF will relocate all business affairs to Kuwait commencing from April 1st 2022:

 The employment contracts of IBF staff who are residents in Canton du Vaud, Switzerland will terminate on March 31st 2022.  We will support them as best as possible to receive the benefits of unemployment here in Switzerland.

CEO employment terminates on March 31st 2022.
Legal counsel arrangement for the purposes of operating under Swiss law terminates on March 31st.

New email addresses for correspondence for administrative affairs will be prepared.
This week, the majority of IBF partners and sponsors have been in Lausanne for a weeklong workshop.  The information shared above will be conveyed to them today and amendments to any contracts will be made where necessary. 

I have in copy formal protests from different members in the following received order:
Martin Faba - IBF 1st Vice President and Pan Am Zone President
Addie Ophelders - ETBF President
Valgeir Gudbjartsson - ETBF Vice President
Guy Igliori - Pan Am Zone representative
Jorge Franco - Pan Am Zone Vice President
Clara Guerrero - Athletes representative

All protests mention that such decision to move out of Lausanne to Kuwait is illegal and the President nor the board has the right to make such decision.

I want to remind you a couple of decisions taken at the Congress held in Abu Dhabi on December 15th, 2015 (in italics by
12.1 Statutes
A proposal to merge the two organizations FIQ and WTBA into one organization, World Bowling, had been distributed in advance. The document sent out points out the paragraphs in WTBA Statutes that have to be changed. Since the document was distributed FIQ and WTBA Executive Boards have made some adjustments mainly in the new rule 1.5.10. These changes had been proposed by World Ninepin. FIQ Congress had before this WTBA Congress adopted the proposed merge of FIQ and WTBA. The amended proposal was motioned to be approved by Australia. Seconded by Costa Rica. With the voting result 77 votes in favour, 0 (zero) votes against, the Congress - adopted to merge FIQ and WTBA into one organization, World Bowling - adopted the proposed changes of the Statutes (see Appendix 2) - All references to “FIQ” and “WTBA” in Statutes and Playing Rules shall be deleted, and “World Bowling” shall be inserted where appropriate
13.1 Resolution World Bowling main office 
A resolution was presented as follows
“Be it resolved that the main office of World Bowling shall be established in Lausanne, Switzerland.”
The resolution was approved by 45 votes in favour and 23 against.
As of December 15 2015 and executed further on November 8th 2018  World Bowling was located in one jurisdiction operating under the laws of Switzerland in the Canton du Vaud registered at Maison du Sport International, Avenue de Rhodanie 54, 1007, Lausanne.
On November 2nd 2020 an extra ordinary congress was called to change the articles of association and name of the organization from World Bowling to International Bowling Federation.
Last February 23rd, 2022 a Committee meeting held virtually, ratified the congress decision to remain in Lausanne, Switzerland and in the minutes should be written that no single board member objected that, in other words it was an unanimous decision.
So, changing such decisions is illegal and against our own statutes.
Last March 17th, 2022 some of us have presented (same as protesters mentioned above, plus Mike Seymour from Oceania and Marios Nicolaidis IBF 2nd VP) a letter to the president with some requests.
Instead of providing us an answer, which is the president’s duty and the board’s right, we received the information that our business will be over in Lausanne and moved to Kuwait.
This will cause a huge damage to our Federation as the IOC recognition is in danger, our sponsors support is in danger, our events are in danger. This could be the end of IBF as an international sports federation.
I really don’t know what else to do if the president plus other board members stay in silence and do nothing nor do they express support to the moving decision, it is time that every single federation member is informed about what is going on.
Dear board members, I will not be blamed for whatever is happening from now on, it is time for every one of you to stand or just hold your responsibility.  Thank you
Martin Faba

Ramane sediul in Lausanne si va fi un Congres extraordinar in mai.
Situatia e in continuare extrem de ciudata, aceasta adresa nesemnata fiind intitulata "Declaratie emisa in numele Seicului Talal Mohammad Al-Sabah". 
Asta e o formulare folosita mai ales de avocati si/sau institutii, este foarte rar sa se emita declaratii in numele unei persoane.

In subteran apare dorinta de a schimba boardul, (care e clar ca ii este ostil, si pe buna dreptate): "Change starts with the practices and governance of the Executive Board").
Eu as zice ca altcineva trebuie schimbat.
Istoricul judiciar al IBF, cu intrarea (iunie 2021) si iesirea din faliment(iulie 2021), il gasiti AICI si AICI