vineri, 9 martie 2012

Selectia nationalei

conform celor comunicate de Vali Fatu, doar 5 sportivi "extracomunitari" s-au aratat interesati de nationala.
adica 5 in afara celor 11 de la Elcomex.

asadar vor fi 16 jucatori la trial, pe 12 locuri.

plus 2 juniori - Arbanas si Dumitrascu, care s-au tinut scai sa vina si ei la Slowinski si au fost invitati personal de acesta..

eu ma declar dezamagit de situatie, dar s-a mai intamplat si in trecut.

cand se punea problema la modul serios: vreti sau nu sport de performanta, vreti la lot, raspunsul era : as vrea, dar fara munca si fara sacrificiile aferente.

iar 2 week-end-uri pe luna sunt o gluma, daca e sa o luam din perspectiva reala, a unui sportiv de performanta.

asa ca or sa plece la europene cei care vor cu adevarat.

adica cei de la Elcomex in principiu, plus 1, probabil, dintre ceilalti 5.

sau cine stie, 2?

nici macar nu-si  incearca destui sansele, e o abandonare care n-o inteleg intru totul.

dar o sa aveti corespondent la fata locului, asta e sigur.

13 comentarii:

  1. Here are the following individuals who will participate in the National Selection process. There will be some surprizes this weekend to test your emotions and mental game. Be prepared for a challenge. Are you ready to help make Romanian Bowling History? At this time, we have 18 confirmed participants!! I will also evaluate Constantin Ardeleanu next week because I believe he has great potential to be on the team.


    Marius Balan
    Catalin Gheorghe
    Romeo Gagenoiu
    Marius Piticariu
    Vali Piros
    Mihai Anton
    Ion Fatu
    Vali Fatu
    Dragos Popescu
    Chritian Calagiu
    Mihaita Gogoasa
    Florian Mihailescu
    Romeo Gagenoiu
    Alexandru Arbanas
    Dragos Dumitrascu
    Pavel Mihai
    Nitu Razvan
    Orlanda David
    Ion Grecu (tentative)

    Joe Slowinski
    USBC Gold Coach

    1. Romeo Gagenoiu x 2.
      Vali Piros
      USBC Silver Coach



    Marius Balan
    Catalin Gheorghe
    Romeo Gagenoiu
    Marius Piticariu
    Vali Piros
    Mihai Anton
    Ion Fatu
    Vali Fatu
    Dragos Popescu
    Chritian Calagiu
    Mihaita Gogoasa
    Romeo Gagenoiu
    Alexandru Arbanas
    Dragos Dumitrascu
    Pavel Mihai
    Nitu Razvan
    Orlanda David
    Ion Grecu (tentative)

    Joe Slowinski
    USBC Gold Coach

  3. 1 Correction - Sorry
    National Selection Roster



    Marius Balan
    Catalin Gheorghe
    Alex Tariceanu
    Marius Piticariu
    Vali Piros
    Mihai Anton
    Ion Fatu
    Vali Fatu
    Dragos Popescu
    Chritian Calagiu
    Mihaita Gogoasa
    Romeo Gagenoiu
    Alexandru Arbanas
    Dragos Dumitrascu
    Pavel Mihai
    Nitu Razvan
    Orlanda David
    Ion Grecu (tentative)

    Joe Slowinski
    USBC Gold Coach

  4. Un lot national interesant ar fi cu:
    Balan, Gagenoiu, Piticariu, Calagiu, Gheorghe, Dumitrascu

    Probabil in final va fi :
    tentative, alti 5

    1. Piticariu, Dobondi, Gagenoiu, Catalin Gheorghe, Costica Ardeleanu, Balan.

      ce ziceti?

      dar nu stiu ce s-a intamplat cu ceatenia lui Dobondi, ca tot trena...

  5. Calagiu in lotul national,hmm ma faci sa rad!hahaha :)))))))))))

  6. Cu Galagiu in lot am fi" cei mai buni"hahahahahah!!!!

  7. dupa cum a spus cineva prin sala....o sa vina cativa si o sa decida Grecu cine participa. normal ca majoritatea or sa fie de la Elcomex (ca doar el plateste), probabil Marius, Balan (ca sa fie cineva si de la IDM) si eventual Calagiu....ce ros mai au mediile din campionat, openuri, etc? o selectie de rahat...mai bine venea la nationale si vedea live jucatorii acolo si acolo putea sa faca selectia. sau cum a mai spus ce nu vine si la Bucuresti? mai bine se facea selectia la Botosani....

  8. Is anyone here positive or always critical about everything? Or, are you all critics behind anonymous closed doors at home? Shit? seriously? I am 100% a professional. I have conducted evaluations around the world. I will be making the selection myself, alone, based on merit (merită) and potential. If you have talent, it will be recognized. Give me a chance. I know no other way than a meritocracy (meritocraţiei), based on skill, merit and potential. This is the only way to build a bowling nation here in Romania.

    This weekend will be a structured environment with an unexpected challenge to test the bowlers paired with a formal mental game assessment.

    Joe Slowinski

    1. I'm fully supporting you, you have such a great reputation.
      And when I will not agree with something, you'll know, for sure. Just because the only way I know for living is the honesty way.
      And fighting for real values and merits.

    2. Mr. Slowinski,

      Somebody is probably making translation for you. Unfortunatelly he is not telling you the whole history. This guy, who hired you, Mr. Ion Grecu, organised same kind of trials in the last 3 years. In the beggining we were positive ( as you demand us now ), but in the end he choose who ever he wanted despite all our efforts.
      The whole thing was a shit frame just to allow him to play in the national team.
      You have to understand that we are not profesionals, 5-6 years ago we did not know that the bowling has to be played with other balls than plastic balls. For our own person a selection was more like something to be proud of. We are all paying ourselves for our hobby.
      And this guy came and said fuck you off, my money are important, I am chosing whoever I want.
      Why is different now ? Before you came it was another scandal regarding the selection for the juniors. Same story, he chose without any trial, any explanation, any reasonable criteria, the only criteria was " this is what I want".
      Why should we came, pay hotel, loosing time when we know in advance what will it be ?

  9. Joe

    if you are so positive why didn´t you organize also a trial in Bucharest? in this way you had the possibilities of viewing all the people not only the guys from Ct? i believed you have to discuss more with Vali Piros, because he knows better that anyone what happend in the romanian bowling and in the Federation?
