joi, 1 martie 2012

Lungimea ungerii - 31: o formula universala pentru cum trebuiesc jucate ungerile?

initial acesta formula a avut la baza calcule geometrice, pornind de la un unghi de intrare de aproximativ 5 grade.

ulterior, dupa studiile efectuate de USBC (Neill Stremmel) s-a constatat ca ea este destul de precisa pentru un pool de jucatori destul de mare.

constatam in 2011-2012 ca ea are o semnificatie cvasi-nula.

de ce?

findca filosofia ungerilor s-a schimbat in ultimii ani, geometria nu mai este liniara, euclidiana, ci este o geometria a curbelor.

cea mai buna dovada este ceea ce joaca profesionistii de top.

iata exemple foarte bune:

1) ultimul turneu in PBA si cel mai greu dintre ele: US OPEN.
ungerea este de 42 de picioare, raport transversal 1:1.

patternul nu este definit ca avand o zona de joc preferata, fiindca e absolut plat.

conform teoriei, ne-am astepta sa fie jucat prin boardul 11 la iesirea de pe ulei (42 de picioare, aproximativ 2/3 din lungimea ultimei dungi maro).

asta macar pe ulei prospat.

eroare: toti joaca pe oriunde , numai pe acolo nu!!!!
in primul meci Shaeffer joca cam 13, Pete Webber 8-9, in al doilea amandoi jucatorii sunt cam 8 etc.

Al doilea exemplu e din finala World Bowling Tour 2011, Intre Koivuniemi si Rash.
joaca pe WTBA Mexico, care are 45 ft.
conform teoriei, ar trebui sa fie prin boardul 14.

ei joaca prin 7-8, fiindca pe acolo au o zona mai uscata,  unde pot obtine reactie a bilei.

aici nici macar teoria mai noua a lui Slowinski, cu boxul de 3 boarduri latime si 3 lungime, pe unde ar trebui sa iasa bila de pe ulei nu are nicio valoare in acest caz, fiindca locul de iesire e la 6-7 boarduri de L-31!!!!

Concluzie: uitati aceasta formula, L-31, ea nu mai este potrivita pentru ungerile actuale, care au filosofii foarte particulare, te silesc sa cauti solutii care nu mai sunt deloc tipice.

testati pista exhaustiv si gasiti-va zona de joc, dupa ce ati studiat in prealabil datele ungerii.
cat timp se joaca la 7 -8 boarduri distanta de ceea ce spune acesta teorie inseamana ca :


 sau trimisa la muzeu....

9 comentarii:

  1. Buna ziua Vali, foarte interesante aceste ultime doua articole tehnice, asteptam cu nerabdare acest gen de dezbateri. Cred ca este foarte sanatoasa concluzia in ceea ce priveste unicitatea fiecarui jucator si asta ar trebui sa fie fundatia. Referitor la "robotizarea" aruncarii cred ca este un lucru esential fara care nu se poate trece la urmatorii pasi (deoarece totul se intampla in mare parte in spatele campului vizual)logica simpla imi spune ca daca nu reusesti sa faci de mai multe ori acelasi lucru nu te poti astepta la acelasi rezultat de fiecare data. Mai departe ar fi "urmarirea trasei bilei pe pista in cele trei faze ale sale" (skid-hook-roll)pentru a vedea ce face tipul ala de bila aruncata de mine pe o anumita ungere. Ca repere, depinde de fiecare cum ai zis si tu in functie de cum se simte jucatorul confortabil...unii simt nevoia sa vada unde atinge bila pista, altii au teoria sagetilor, unii breakpoint-ul.

  2. gresala majora la "antrenamentele" pe care le facem cu echipele : dam si noi un calup de 5 jocuri pe ungerea "X" ...
    de unde mai vrem robotizare la jucatori cu "skill", caci astia incearca sa-si adapteze imediat lovitura pe" ce cere pista" si forteaza si-si deformeaza constant lovitura.
    robotizarea se face nejucind la scor, poate cel mai bine facind exercitii pe "shadow".
    vorbesc in primul rind din experienta proprie. ioio

    1. antrenamentele sunt intotdeauna individuale, nu stiu ce-or fi alea antrenamente cu echipa.
      cu echipa te pregatesti de meci pentru ungerea respectiva.
      iar adaptarea nu se face neaparat schimband lovitura, e cam ultimul lucru recomandat.

      drumul spre robotizare incepe de la buna memorare kinestezica (a senzatiilor corporale) si recunoasterea sau nu, a lucrurilor memorate.
      cele mai importante lucruri care trebuiesc exersate sunt: ritmul cu care mergi, ritmul cu care pui in balans bila si "imperecherea" dintre ele - timing.

      trebuie sa exersezi mai mult de o miscare, ca sa ai cam 3 viteze diferite si 3 unghiuri diferite de rotatie.

  3. First and foremost, I must admit to be incredibly disappointed with such a commentary from an individual I do not know. Most importantly, I am more disappointed in the fact that the criticism was completed utilizing examples which ARE NOT reality for anyone other than an individual who has bowled on television. Perhaps, this FACT should go into the museum as well....As the coach in question, I am shocked at being openly attacked in an effort it seems to only serve discredit my expertise in this sport in which I have coached for more than 25 years. For this, I wish to thank you for the professional welcome. It will serve as a reminder, for me, of an individual's character from this point forward. Since I have coached players who have won medals in international competition as well as earned spot on TEAM USA, with the methods I teach, here are some FACTS that were not articulated in your fictional account but are actually truth.

    On the PBA tour, players have the opportunity to manipulate the lane to score higher. Specifically, they manipulate the lane in order to score higher or manipulate to place their opponent at a disadvantage. Since these examples chosen to discredit my teaching concepts are drawn from television, the analysis does not take in to effect the following:

    (1) temperature increases due to television lights which serves to lower the viscosity of the lane oil. When the viscosity is reduced, the ball tends to skid more in the beginning due to reduced resistence with the bowling ball. Yet, with a lower viscocity, the lane transitions quicker due to the increased fluidity of oil.

    (2) One hour of warm-up to create a friction zone where the bowler wants.... In these situations, players are creating MARGIN OF ERROR with the creation of lane transition, oil depletion, as they warm-up. Are you going to argue carrydown next? Chris Barnes has played Shark on the outside since he was able to breakdown the lane oil for the lenghy warm-up period. Barnes didn't play the pattern on television that way in qualifying or in match play. But, on television, lane play is significantly different. Unfortunately, you are not interested in learning about how it differs. Rather, you utilize an example to discredit that isn't relevant to the philosophy behind the system.

  4. So, you did not share with readers anything about REALITY on television which is the truth of why the bowlers played the lane they way they did. But, you utilzed these examples as truth to why the system hasn't worked. I have many CATS reports that clearly demonstrate that it does work. Hmmmm. Why didn't you show the final match? Let's look at

    It is clear that you are not a coach interested in having a professional dialog and learning while I am in Romania. And, I plan to be here for a long time to help build Romanian bowling to a world standard. It would be nice for the bowling community to be welcoming and open to learn. But, I understand.... For those who want to learn, I am here to help. And, I look forward to helping you. For those who want to discredit me, let's do in an open forum in front of the Romanian bowling community. I thoroughly enjoy debates and, rather than outlier examples, I have a bag full of facts, data and research behind my arguments.

    Oh, by the way, the three by three box (for breakdown) is in effect in this situation in which the players broke down the lane at 9-10. The end of the pattern is near the range finder, down the lane, at board 10. Where was Ryan Shafer playing when he bowled in game one? Hmmmm.... 11 at the end of the pattern.... I guess this is not applicable, is it? Did you actually watch the match? Weber was best in the 9-10 area down the lane at the exit point on the fresh. okay.... he had the best ball reaction at 9-10 after breaking down the lane.... hmmm.... 42-31 = 11 and 9-10-11 fits into the 3X3 box....

    And, there is a thing called TOPOGRAPHY as well.

    Thanks again for the welcome to this country. I appreciate it. Once again, I look forward to working with those individuals willing and wanting to grow in this sport.

    Joe Slowinski, ABD, M.Ed.
    USBC GOLD Coach
    Bowlers Journal Top 100 Coach
    Bowling This Month Contributing Writer
    2010 Collegiate Coach of the Year

    1. for real, Shaffer played mostly 12 and Pete 8.

      Pete throws last shot on 9 and the 9-th pin was late and wobbling.
      in game 2 they played mostly 8, both of them.

      but the main issue in the article is WTBA Mexico where is no way to play inside the box.

      now you changed the argumentation, first it was the heat and the practice, and now is that the box fits somehow what they are playing.

      and I'm recognized that I'm maniacal about learning.

      I've found some issues also at you, at Kegel.
      JJ can tell you more.

      about topograpfy issues-at Elcomex the lanes are maybe 3 times outside the 1/25 inch limit, especially lane 1.
      but I'm sure that at US Open is not the case.

      USBC study showed that the topography variations inside 1/25 inch limit is interpreted by most of the bowlers that are oil pattern issues.

      And I welcomed you before first visit, but it seems that you forgot.

  5. My 3X3 box teaching would yield a 9-10-11 box. Watch Pete Weber's best ball reaction shots.... You state that I would suggest 6-7 as a 3X3 box. This is factually incorrect, For those who have not read the article, you can go to

    1. I asserted that on WTBA Mexico the boards 7-8 are outside the 3X3 box, because is far away from 14 - 6-7 boards from the theoretical exit point- that means 4 boards right from the box.
      sorry, but the article is in Romanian

  6. it is a discussion about 31 rule, which is old, not an attack on you.

    as long we have a lot of exceptions, especially on medium patterns, the rule isn't (so) useful.

    WTBA Mexico is flat and oily around board 14, so the players are playing around board 8, where it can be found a little margin for error.

    the professionals are playing with friction zones, not with theoretical exit points.
    and it is supposed that we must teach students the best thing available, how to identify the zones or how to create one.

    I can provide you tons of videos with players playing awesome games in total ignorance of 31 rule, and not on TV.
    the lefties are renowned that they're playing outside almost all the patterns.
    no rule for them?

    here is the final of World Championships 2010- WTBA Mexico 45 ft- no camera, no powerful lights, no high temperatures, 15 minutes of practice.


    and guess what?
    they're using also the 8-th board...

    I'm not arguing about oil carry, because, according with one of your articles, "oil carry is a myth", but you are teaching the students how to overcame the oil carry.

    is better not to make personal suppositions about what I know and what I'm interesting in, because you don't know me.

    let's have a pure, technical discussion.
